Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Mike at Four Weeks

It's hard to believe that Mikey's been with us nearly a month now. He was four weeks old yesterday. And I've learned a few things in that time:

1) You quickly develop a very cavalier attitude towards bodily fluids of all kinds, but only if they come from your child.

2) Dr. Seuss was a literary genius. Who else gives you social consciousness with rhyme and meter? Just read The Lorax and Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now!. Though I'm still trying to find the hidden meaning of The Cat In the Hat.

3) The pacifier is the greatest invention known to parent-kind. The Diaper Genie (1 or 2) comes in a close second.

It's been an eventful month in many ways. Kristi's parents came for a 10 day visit to see their newest grandson, and were a HUGE help. Currently, we're hosting Kristi's friend Sharon, who's visiting all the way from British Columbia, with some other friends from the great midwest coming next week. Below are a video of Mike playing with his favorite toy, a stuffed animal we refer to as "the huckiraffe" because it looks like a combination of a duck, horse and giraffe. And if you turn up the sound, you may discover why Mike has lately acquired the nickname "goat boy."

Here is the link to the latest album in Photobucket: Mike--February. Kristi has an even better page set up on Shutterfly: Miracle Mike. I will post links to both in the links column to the right. Kristi will keep updating the Miracle Mike page, so check back there frequently.

In the meantime, here's the video:

And here's a slideshow:

Thursday, February 01, 2007

In Memoriam--Molly Ivins (And More Mike)

It's impossible to be a progressive in Texas and not love Molly Ivins. Heck, it's impossible to be a progressive in the United States and not love Molly Ivins. Though her folksy style was often lampooned (and not always affectionately), Molly made incisive points with humor and grace.

It was my great fortune to have seen Molly in person once. In the spring of 2005, Al Franken and his then-cohost, Catherine Lanpher, were in town to do a live broadcast of The Al Franken Show at Austin's State Theater to help launch Austin's Air America affiliate. And Molly was one of the guests. What struck me is that she was as natural in person as she seemed to be on the page.

Good-bye Molly. We'll miss you, but we'll always remember you by the wit and wisdom you left behind.

Now, on to happier topics. Mike continues to thrive, and Kristi and I are learning to function on less sleep than we thought possible, and it's totally worth it. And to make the link to the Photobuck album easier to find, I've put a link with my other links on the left-hand side of the screen.

And here is a video of Kristi reading to him. Because it's never too early to read to your kids!!